Find out more about water services, how to pay water bills, reporting an issue and our commitment to providing clean water.
The Township of Hamilton has initiated a Master Planning process to develop a Water Supply Master Plan to evaluate and plan upgrades for its water supply, treatment, storage, and distribution infrastructure. This plan will consider current conditions, capacity, and future needs over the next 20 years for Baltimore/Creighton Heights, Camborne, and Buttersfield.
Learn more about the Water Supply Master Plan
Water Quality Management
The Township of Hamilton provides municipal water to serviced areas in Camborne and Creighton Heights (Baltimore).
As the operating authority for the Township of Hamilton's drinking water systems, The Township's Water Operations department is committed to:
- Provide safe drinking water to consumers,
- Comply with legislation and regulations, and
- Maintain and continually improve the Quality Management System (QMS).
These policy commitments are communicated to staff through the QMS awareness and made available to the public on our website.
Water Billing
Please make sure the Township has your current address including PO Box number to avoid delays in receiving your tax and water bills. To verify and/or update your mailing address, please contact 905-342-2810.
There are several ways you can pay your water bill in the Township of Hamilton. Find out how below.
In person |
You can place your payment in the secure drop box slot at the Municipal Office. All cheques are made payable to "The Township of Hamilton." Please include your water bill stub or write your account number on your cheque. |
By mail |
You can mail your cheque to the Municipal Office, P.O. Box 1060, Cobourg, Ontario, K9A 4J7. Please include your water bill stub or write your account number on your cheque. |
Online banking |
You can pay through your financial institutions website or cell phone app by adding the Township of Hamilton as a payee. Enter your water account number, located at the top left portion of your most current water bill, without the decimal points. |
Pre-authorized payment plan |
Complete a Pre-authorized Payment Plan Form and attach a void cheque or pre-authorized debit form. Return your completed form by email. |
At the bank |
You can pay your water bill at your financial institution. Remember to bring your water bill with you. We recommend making payments at least 2 days prior to the bill due date. |
Late/unpaid bills have 1.25% interest charged quarterly. Failure to receive a water bill does not excuse a resident from the responsibility for the payment.
Water billing cycles are quarterly:
- January 1 to March 31 (actual reads)
- April 1 to June 30 (actual reads)
- July 1 to September 30 (actual reads)
- October 1 to December 31 (actual reads)
Water rate changes become effective January 1st of each year. For more information about water fees, see our Fees and Charges webpage.
Water Accounts
If you are a new resident, moving, or changing addresses, see below for instructions on how to ensure you don't miss a payment.
Landlords, as property owners, you are ultimately responsible for the water account. Any tenant water arrears are transferred yearly to the owner's property tax account in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. c25, Section 398.
Request a new account |
Homeowners can set up a water account by completing a Water Service Connection Request Form. If you are a tenant, please complete a Tenant Water Service Connection Request Form. Please send us your completed form by one of the following:
Cancel a water service |
Cancel your water service by completing a Water Service Cancellation Request Form.
We request 10 days notice of an anticipated address change or cancellation. You are responsible for water consumption until the Township receives notification and request for a final meter read. Pre-authorized payment plans will be removed for cancellations and a final water bill will be provided to you. Please send us your completed form by one of the following:
Cancel a pre-authorized payment plan |
Cancel your pre-authorized payment plan by completing a Pre-Authorized Payment Plan Cancellation Request Form. If you are moving or changing addresses, only a Water Service Cancellation Request is required. Please send us your completed form by one of the following:
Report an Issue
Report an emergency, such as a water main break or service disruption, to the Emergency Water Line by calling 1-866-948-5538.
Contact the Township to report non-emergency water issues by emailing us or calling 905-342-2810.
Check your water usage devices (toilets, taps, washing machines, etc.) regularly to help reduce the risk of an increased water bills caused by a malfunctioning device. Leaky toilets are often the cause of high water bills and could waste more than 475 litres of water a day.
How to find a leak in your home |
Even the smallest leaks in your house add up to gallons of wasted water and potentially hundreds of dollars per year on your water bill. Check for leaks in your house by trying the dye test:
If the dye test shows the toilet is leaking, contact a licensed plumber to have it repaired. |
Quarterly Water User Newsletter
If you are a resident in Creighton Heights and Camborne, the Water User newsletter is mailed out four times a year and is included with your water bill. It features updates on water services, operations, projects, and capital investments within the Township.
Read the 2024 Q3 Water Newsletter
Additional Resources
Water Systems Capital Needs Assessment Report |
Water Systems Capital Needs Assessment Report |