Winter Maintenance
The Township of Hamilton provides winter operations for our roads. The Township patrols, plows, and spreads deicers on our roads based on the responsibility outlined in the Ministry of Transportation Minimum Maintenance Standards and Highway Traffic Act. The Highway Traffic Act dictates that parked vehicles cannot be in the way of snow removal operations and how snow should not be placed on roads from private properties.
If you see a truck with their snow plow up or not applying material on the road, that means the plow is currently traveling to or from their designated route. Often, trucks need to travel other roads to reach their assigned route. For example, you may see a Township truck on a County road not using their plow or applying material.
Reminder: The Township of Hamilton does not supply salt or sand for public and private use. Access to the Public Works Depot is prohibited, and residents should visit their local retailer for winter material needs.
Mailboxes |
Mailboxes are the responsibility of the property owner. The Township does not clear the snow around mailboxes or guarantee any service levels for rural mail delivery. It is the property owner's responsibility to ensure standards for Canada Post requirements for rural delivery. Standard mailboxes are replaced if damaged by Township equipment (subject to the approval of the Public Works Manager) however, the Township does not accept responsibility for damages caused by the impact of snow on a mailbox during our regular snowplow operations. Mailboxes should be constructed to withstand the impact of snow from snowplow operations. |
Declaring a Significant Weather Event |
The Township may declare a "significant weather event' when weather conditions or the weather forecast meet the certain criteria as per Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways Regulations 239/02. The Township will notify the public on our website and social media. During a significant weather event, we will advise that motorists, pedestrians and residents use extra caution as the Township may not be able to meet its maintenance standards. The declaration does not change how or when the Township performs its winter maintenance operations. However, it may take us longer than usual to bring the roads back to a state of repair. Public safety is our top priority. The Township of Hamilton will provide updates when the significant weather event has ended. For additional information on the declaration of significant weather events, view Ontario Regulation 239/02. |
Winter Driving Safety |
Visit the Ministry of Transportation for tips on how to drive safely on winter roads. This includes:
Snow Clearing Operations and Vehicle Parking |
By-law 2017-13 for the regulation of vehicular parking in the Township of Hamilton states “No person shall park any vehicle on any highway or portion thereof, from the permit of November 1 of one year to April 30 of the following year at any time between the hours of 11:00pm and 6:00am”. The set fine for a violation is $55.00 with a provision for voluntary payment within 7 days of $37.00. Further, By-law 2017-13 states, “No person shall stop a vehicle on a highway in such a manner as to interfere with the clearing of snow from the highway. For clarity, and without limitation, if a snow clearing vehicle must change its course to avoid a stopped vehicle… that vehicle is deemed to be interfering with the clearing of snow from the highway.” The set fine for a violation is $75.00 with a provision for voluntary payment within 7 days of $50.00 In addition to the fine issued under By-law 2017-13, any vehicle parked on any highway, or portion thereof, at any time within the Township in such a way as to obstruct the clearing of snow may be removed in accordance with Section 170 (12), of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O 1990, as amended. Section 170 (14) of the Highway Traffic Act provides the penalties and Section 170 (15) of the Highway Traffic Act provides the powers of officer(s) to remove vehicles. Vehicle owners will be responsible for the cost of removal and/or storage of vehicles. |
Frequently Asked Questions |