The Township of Hamilton Tax department collects property taxes on behalf of Northumberland County, the School Boards and for the Township. You can choose to change your school support by filling out the Application for Direction of School Support form and submitting it to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). The taxes we collect provide services, which include roads, parks and facilities and emergency services.

It is important for property owners to ensure they receive their property tax bills (mailed at both the end of January and May), and pay them on time. Failure to receive a tax bill does not excuse a taxpayer from responsibility of payment or relieve the owner of liability of penalty and interest due on late payment.
Please ensure the Tax Clerk has your correct mailing address.

2024 Tax Dues Dates

The Final Property Tax Bill was mailed out on May 23, 2024. There are two final tax instalments to be paid that are due on:

  • June 26, 2024
  • September 26, 2024

Tax Rates and Charges

View current and past tax rates. Find information about rates on our Fees and Charges webpage. Keep your final tax bill for income tax purposes to avoid paying a $5.00 fee for a copy.

Learn about the tax incentive programs that are available in our community.

Methods of Payment

We have multiple payment options available to help you pay your property taxes on time. Please let us know if you have changed your mailing address by sending the Address Change Form to the Tax Clerk.

Please note that late payments will have a penalty of 1.25% added on the first day of the month following the due date, and on the first day of each calendar month after that. Failure to receive a tax bill does not excuse you from the responsibility for payment.

Online Banking

Using your online Bank, search for Hamilton, in a drop down menu Hamilton Township Taxes will appear. There could also be a similar version or short form of this.

Remember that your tax roll number is your account number. All account numbers will be 19 digits and start with 1419, ending with 0000.

As a reminder, you should make your payment at least two days before the property tax due date.

At the Township of Hamilton Office

You can pay your property taxes at the Township Office using:

  • Cash
  • Interac
  • Cheques
  • Post-dated cheques – you must have the tax roll number on the front

A secure drop box is available at the Township Office main door if you cannot make it in during regular business hours.

At Your Bank

You can make tax payments at your local branch. Please remember to bring your bill to the bank with you!

As a reminder, you should make your payment at least two days before the property tax due date.

Pre-authorized Payment

You can set up pre-authorized payments by:

  • PAP payments have the option of withdraws:
      • 3 times per year on the installment dates (February, June and September)
      • 10 times per year from February to November withdrawn on the 3rd of the month (or following business day if the 3rd falls on a weekend or a statutory holiday)
  • Printing out and completing our Pre-authorized Payment Form
  • Choosing your plan
  • Attaching a void cheque or pre-authorized debit bank form
  • Sending it to us by email, mail, or in person

Once your submission has been received, you will be notified via email or phone to confirm receipt. If you do not receive confirmation, please contact us at 905-342-2810 ext 104.

Your property tax account must be current and up to date on all payments. You can also pick up pre-authorized payment forms at the Township Office.

Cancelling Pre-authorized Payments

If you are looking to cancel your pre-authorized payments, complete and submit the PAP Cancellation Form.

Property Assessment

The Township of Hamilton does not determine property value assessments. Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) administers a uniform, province wide property assessment system which determines current values and classifications for all properties in Ontario. The authority to do so is in accordance within the provisions of the Assessment Act.


Your Property Assessment Notice shows the assessed value and classification of your property as of a legislated valuation date. The fixed valuation date for 2024 remains January 1, 2016 – the end of the last assessment cycle.


When there is a change in a property (such as new construction or major renovation), MPAC updates the assessment and mails a Notice. The 2024 assessment is what the property would have sold for on January 1, 2016 – in its current state and condition, including any major changes since then. Think of it as this property, selling on that date.

For more information visit their Property Assessment Notice site.

If you bought your first home and want to learn more about MPAC visit their First-time Homeowners' Hub.