You can apply online for a burn permit, or visit the Township of Hamilton Municipal Office.
The Township of Hamilton permits open air burning in accordance with our Open Air Burn By-Law.
Burning Restrictions
Day time burning is restricted within Hamilton Township:
- April 1 to October 31
- Between 8:00am to 6:00pm
Township of Hamilton uses the wildland fire danger rating system to inform residents and visitors to the potential risk of forest fires. The system indicates the ease in which a fire can ignite and the difficulty of controlling the fire.
Leaf and Yard Waste
County of Northumberland offers free leaf and yard waste pick up from April to December. For information view the Northumberland County waste and recycling calendar, or call 1-866-293-8379
Do I Need a Burn Permit?
Open air fires require a burn permit visit our frequently asked questions for more information.
Please refer to our Fees and Charges By-lawfor costing.