The Township of Hamilton has 13 community and neighbourhood parks. Parks and Playgrounds are open seasonally from May until November. Find out more about our recreation spaces below.
Baltimore Recreation Centre |
Location: 23 Community Centre Road, Baltimore The Baltimore Recreation Centre is a multi-use facility including one ice surface with 6 dressing rooms, indoor turf sports field, banquet hall and kitchen, four baseball diamonds, outdoor multi-purpose court, outdoor pickleball court, two volleyball courts, paved walking trail, and a picnic shelter. |
Behan Park |
Location: 10 Behan Road, Precious Corners
Bewdley Community Centre |
Location: 7060 Lake Street, Bewdley The Bewdley Community Centre is a multi-purpose facility including one ice surface, banquet hall and kitchen, community library, outdoor multi-purpose court and baseball diamond. |
Bewdley Waterfront (Optimist Park) |
Location: 5073 Rice Lake Drive, Bewdley
Butterfield Park |
Location: 16 June Avenue
Castlehill Park |
Location: 30 Stoneridge Road
Camborne Park |
Location: 3441 Albert's Alley, Camborne
Cold Springs Park |
Location: 3844 Burnham Street North, Cold Springs
Laurel Park |
Location: 21 Lorraine Avenue, Precious Corners Newly revitalized in 2024 thanks to a generous grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
Harwood Waterfront Park |
Location: 5527 Front Street, Harwood
Gores Landing Waterfront Park |
Location: 5310 Plank Road, Gores Landing
Plainville Park |
Location: 4603 Burnham Street North, Plainville
Plainville Tennis Courts |
Location: 8644 Oak Ridges Drive, Plainville