The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) provides a right of access to information for records in the custody and control of the Municipality, with certain limitations in order to protect personal and sensitive information.

Many of the Township of Hamilton's records are available either online or by directly requesting the information.

Before you submit a Freedom of Information request, contact the Municipality to see if the information is already available.

How to apply for access to information

You can request information by filling out a Freedom of Information Application. Refer to Fees and Charges By-law 'Schedule B' for associated fees.

Submit your completed request to the Clerk's Office.

The Clerk has 30 days to respond to Freedom of Information requests.

Additional fees may apply depending on the request. The Clerk will provide an estimate if the fees will be over $25. 

Can a Freedom of Information Request be refused?

An institution may refuse access to a record or part of a record in accordance with the Exceptions in MFIPPA.