Building department staff oversees the enforcement of the Ontario Building Code Act in order to ensure health and safety in the Township of Hamilton.

Our public GIS Portal is operated and maintained by Northumberland County’s GIS Division, which offers a multi-platform GIS for IOS (Apple), Android, and Windows. The application will be compatible with most desktop and mobile devices.

Some features of the public GIS Portal application are:

  • Aerial photography
  • Zoning information
  • Official Plan information
  • Heritage Properties
  • Transportation Network
  • Quick searches for properties
  • Print to pdf

Apply for a building permit online!

The Township of Hamilton is pleased to now offer, residents, builders and permit applicants Cloudpermit – an online system to apply for and track your building permits.

The Cloudpermit building permit system allows you to apply for and to see the status of your application anywhere, at any time. You can start an application and finish it later, and receive email updates on the status of your permit application. You can even request building inspections! Note, follow the same Cloudpermit link if you are applying for a pool permit or any other By-law permit.

Need help getting started?


What do you want to build?

Please be advised that permit applications will be filed electronically. We are requesting (if possible) that application submissions including all supporting documents will be in a digital format (.pdf preferably).


Requirements for a building permit:

1. Completed building permit application consisting of:

2. One copy of plans, including (refer to Home Builder's Guide for assistance):

  • grading and drainage plan prepared by a qualified person
  • building plans that include the following information:
  • floor plan(s)
  • elevation drawing(s)
  • cross section detail(s)

3. Refer to Fees and Charges 


Requirements for a building permit:

1. Completed building permit application consisting of:

2. One copy of plans including (refer to Deck Design Guide for assistance):

  • site sketch showing the location of the proposed deck including dimensions and distance from property line(s) and other buildings
  • building plans that include the following information:

3. Refer to Fees and Charges 


Requirements for a building permit:

1. Completed building permit application consisting of:

2. One copy of plans including (refer to Garage Design Guide for assistance):

  • site sketch showing location of proposed garage including dimensions and distance from property lines, septic tank/field and other buildings
  • building plans that include the following information:

3. Refer to Fees and Charges 


Requirements for a building permit:

1. Completed building permit application consisting of:

2. One copy of plans including:

  • site sketch showing location of proposed addition including dimensions and distance from property lines, septic tank/field and other buildings
  • building plans that include the following information:

3. Refer to Fees and Charges 


Requirements for a building permit:

1. Completed building permit application consisting of:

2. One copy of plans including:

  • site sketch showing the location of the proposed deck including dimensions and distance from property line(s) and other buildings
  • plans that include the following information:

3. Refer to Fees and Charges 


Requirements for a building permit:

1. Completed building permit application consisting of:

2. One copy of plans including:

  • site sketch showing the location of the proposed deck including dimensions and distance from property line(s) and other buildings
  • plans that include the following information:
  • floor plan(s)
  • cross section detail(s)

3. Refer to Fees and Charges 

Finishing your basement or renovating?

Requirements for a building permit:

1. Completed building permit application consisting of:

2. One copy of plans including:

  • Building plans that include the following information:
  • floor plan(s)

3. Refer to Fees and Charges 


Requirements for a demolition permit:

1. Completed building permit application consisting of:

  • Form 357 to apply for a property tax reduction

2. Site survey that shows building's original footprint and location: to be used for future proposed construction.

3. Refer to Fees and Charges 

Septic systems and Plumbing

For septic and plumbing permit requirements and application, contact Northumberland County.

 Additional Residential Units

 Requirements for a building permit:

1. Completed building permit application consisting of:

2. One copy of plans including (refer to Additional Residential Unit Guide for assistance):

  • site sketch showing location of proposed accessory building (if applicable) including dimensions and distance from property lines, septic tank/field and other buildings
  • building plans that include the following information:

3. Refer to Fees and Charges 

Additional information relevant to building permits

A building permit is required for construction or alteration on any structure which results in a building area greater than 10m2 (107 ft2)*. Projects that require a building permit include but are not limited to:

  • Single Family Dwelling
  • Deck
  • Covered Porch
  • Sunroom
  • Carport
  • Garage (attached or detached)
  • Shed* (greater than 15 sm2 (161 ft2)
  • Additions
  • Finishing a basement
  • New or structural alterations to windows or doors
  • Interior structural alterations
  • Adding or removing walls (creating different room sizes and/or uses)

Check with the Senior Planner or Building Official to ensure that proposed construction meets the requirements of the Zoning By-law prior to permit application submission.

If you are applying for permits on someone else's behalf, you will need to submit a Letter of Authorization.

If any part of the lot is within an area regulated by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, a permit may be required. This may affect the building location and/or grading of the lot.

Putting in a pool?

Other By-laws affecting building permit applications:

Call Before You Dig

Are you thinking of digging as part of a project or home improvement (such as building a fence, flower bed, deck, etc)? Contact Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255 before you dig. It is the law. Ontario One Call is a call centre that receives dig locate requests to make sure homeowners, diggers and property owners are safe when digging.

Ontario One Call alerts the infrastructure owners of your digging plans and contact information. Infrastructure owners can then provide locates, drawing, and/or clearances, lowering the risk of property damage, lost of utilities, injury, and penalties/fines.

Locates can be markings on the ground or a statement/email from the infrastructure owner that its buried infrastructure will not be affected by the digging.

You can visit the Ontario One Call website to learn more about their services.