Zoning By-law

The Zoning By-Law sets out how a specific parcel of land may be used, this includes the type and placement of buildings on a property. You can apply to change the use of property through a Zoning By-law Amendment, see our Planning and Development webpage for application forms. Make sure to check the zoning regulations before you start Building and Renovating.

Notice of Application

The following application is received by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hamilton.

 Notice of Application to Amend the Township of Hamilton Zoning By-law 2001-58

Please be advised that a Public Meeting will be held by the Township of Hamilton Council on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 p.m., taking place in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Office located at 8285 Majestic Hills Drive.

The proposed Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment proposes new and updated regulations that will apply to properties throughout the Township. The Township of Hamilton Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2001-58 was adopted by Council on October 16, 2001. This document has been updated several times over the years addressing changes in planning legislation and refining regulations to provide an up-to-date regulatory land use planning document.

The proposed amendment will include:

  • updated definitions contained in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan
  • provisions for the keeping of backyard chickens in residential zones
  • provisions for hobby farms in the Rural Residential zone
  • the removal of minimum dwelling size in residential zones
  • updated parking and loading space tables
  • update to accessory structure provisions
  • provisions making it clear that where a property has frontage on a year-round municipally maintained road, that access must be provided to that road
  • update to the buffer strip provisions
  • update to the Oak Ridges Moraine zones to reflect the uses permitted by the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan
  • update the Additional Residential unit zone provisions

Read the complete Notice of Motion

Read the Complete Staff Report

Should you have any questions regarding the application, please do not hesitate to contact our Senior Planner by email or phone at 905-342-2810, quoting file number ZBA 13/24.

Comprehensive Zoning By-law

 Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2001-58

Complete Zoning By-law

Section 5: General Provisions 

Section 6: Permanent Agriculture (PA)

Section 7: Marginal Agriculture (MA)

Section 8: Estate Residential (ER)

Section 9: Rural Residential (RR)

Section 10: Limited Service Residential (LSR)

Section 11: Waterfront Residential (WR)

Section 12: Mobile Home Residential (MHR)

Section 13: Urban Residential First Density (UR1)

Section 14: Urban Residential Second Density (UR2)

Section 15: Urban Multiple Residential (UMR)

Section 16: Rural Commercial (RC)

Section 17: Rural Highway Commercial (RHC)

Section 18: Waterfront Resort Commercial (WRC)

Section 19: Hamlet Commercial (HC)

Section 20: Rural Industrial (RI)

Section 21: Hamlet Industrial (HI)

Sections 22 & 23: Mineral Extractive 'A' (MXA) & 'B' (MXB)

Section 24: Waste Disposal (WD)

Section 25: Community Facility (CF)

Section 26: Open Space (OS)

Sections 27 & 28: Environmental Protection-Wetland (EP-W) & Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA)

Sections 29 through 35: Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental (ORME), Core (ORMC), Linkage (ORML), Countryside (ORMCO), Rural Settlement (ORMRS), Mineral Extractive (ORMME) & Environmental Plan Review (ORMEPR)

Appendix A, B, C & D

If you wish to make a complaint regarding a contravention to the Zoning By-law, please contact the Planning Coordinator.