Planning and Development

Make the plans before your build: The Zoning By-law and Official Plan control planning functions. The Ontario Planning Act and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan help control land use.

A pre-consultation meeting may be set up by contacting the Planning Coordinator.

Our public GIS Portal is operated and maintained by Northumberland County’s GIS Division, which offers a multi-platform GIS for IOS (Apple), Android, and Windows. The application will be compatible with most desktop and mobile devices.

Some features of the public GIS Portal application are:

  • Aerial photography
  • Zoning information
  • Official Plan information
  • Heritage Properties
  • Transportation Network
  • Quick searches for properties
  • Print to pdf

The Township of Hamilton's Planning Department and Building Department services include the processing of Planning Application Forms, Site Plan approvals and Building Permits.

Please refer to our Applicant's Guide for more information about the application process and refer to our Fees & Charges for all associated fees.

Apply for a Zoning Compliance Letter

Often, when a property is listed for sale, the lawyer acting on behalf of the prospective purchaser will request a letter of compliance for zoning and work orders. This letter may be requested by the property owner, lawyer or real estate agent acting on behalf of the property owner. The information that can be provided, by request, in the Compliance Letter includes:
  • Status of any open building permits and/or outstanding work orders
  • Official Plan designation
  • Current zoning
  • Pending zoning, if applicable
  • Potential for future land severance
  • Whether the property has any heritage significance (if known)
  • Or other information, not referred to above

Please note that information pertaining to septic system and plumbing permits should be directed to Northumberland County.

Payment options:

Fees can be found on the Fees and Charges under Planning. The fee can be paid by cash, debit or cheque (payable to Township of Hamilton)

Please be advised that your letter will not be processed until payment is received. Once payment is received processing times are between 7-10 business days.

Mail to:
Township of Hamilton
8285 Majestic Hills Drive
P.O. Box 1060
Cobourg, ON  K9A 4W5

Planning Notification Registry

If you would like to subscribe to receive notifications for all Planning Act Applications the Township of Hamilton, please click on the link below and we will contact you with information and updates to keep you informed.

Subscribe to Planning Notifications

Notices of Adoption

The following Amendments have been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hamilton.

Notice of Adoption of an Official Plan Amendment (OPA #12) - 2021-09-28
September 28, 2021
Take Notice that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hamilton passed By-law No. 2021-49 (being adoption of Official Plan Amendment #12) on the 21th day of September, 2021 under Section 17 and Section 21 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended.
The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment (OPA) is: (1) to amend Section 1.8 Definition of Terms of the Township’s Official Plan to introduce a definition for ‘Additional Residential Unit’; (2) to amend Section 3.1ii) Residential Policies to amend the existing wording of the policy and to introduce policy direction related to additional residential units; and (3) to amend Section 4.1 Agricultural – Permitted Uses to limit the sprawl of residential uses in the rural area.
Official Plan Amendment #12 requires approval from Northumberland County. Any person or public body will be entitled to receive notice of the decision from Northumberland County if a written request to be notified of the decision (including the person’s or public body’s address, fax number or email address) is made to:
Dwayne Campbell, Manager of Planning
Northumberland County
555 Courthouse Road
Cobourg, Ontario K9A 5J6
Notice of Adoption of an Official Plan Amendment (OPA #11)

Take Notice that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hamilton passed By-law No. 2021-30 (being adoption of Official Plan Amendment #11) on the 18th day of May, 2021 under Section 17 and Section 21 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended.

The purpose of Official Plan Amendment #11 is to revise certain policies in the Township of Hamilton Official Plan to remove the requirement for a Secondary Plan for new residential development occurring by Plan of Subdivision within the Baltimore Settlement Area and to allow development to occur via full private services.

Official Plan Amendment #11 requires approval from Northumberland County. Any person or public body will be entitled to receive notice of the decision from Northumberland County if a written request to be notified of the decision (including the person’s or public body’s address, fax number or email address) is made to Dwayne Campbell, Manager of Planning at:

Northumberland County
555 Courthouse Road
Cobourg, Ontario KYA 5J6

For additional information and the Official Notice of Adoption for OPA #11, click here

Notices of Decision

Notice of Decision: Office Plan Amendment #12 - 2021-11-19

Notice of Decision

With Respect to a Member Municipal Official Plan Amendment
Amendment No. 12 to the Township of Hamilton Official Plan

The Council of the County of Northumberland, as the approval authority, made a decision on
November 17, 2021 to approve Amendment No. 12 to the Township of Hamilton Official Plan,
as adopted by Council of the Township of Hamilton on September 21, 2021, under Subsection
17(34) of the Planning Act.

Purpose of the official plan amendment:
The purpose of Amendment No. 12 is to add new policies to the Hamilton Township Official
Plan to allow additional residential units within the Township.

Effect of public input:
Generally, public feedback supported policies to allow additional residential units and sought
clarification on implementation. All public feedback was considered by the Hamilton Township
consultant team and was clarified or revised in the adopted amendment where appropriate.

When the decision is final:
If the County Clerk does not receive an appeal for all or part of the decision on or before
December 9, 2021, the decision, or the part of it that is not the subject of an appeal, will be

Who can appeal the decision:
Only the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing can appeal an official plan amendment that
implements additional residential unit policies.

Further information:
Information about Amendment No. 12 and the decision is available by contacting the County of
Northumberland Land Use Planning Office.

Please contact Dwayne Campbell, Manager of Land Use Planning, at (905) 372-3329
extension 2408 if you have any questions.

Date notice was given: November 19, 2021

Notice of Decision: Official Plan Amendment #11

Take Notice that the Council of the County of Northumberland, as the approval authority, made a decision on July 21, 2021 to approve Amendment No. 11 to the Hamilton Township Official Plan, as adopted by Council of the Township of Hamilton on May 18, 2021, under Subsection 17(34) of the Planning Act.

Purpose of the Official Plan Amendment: The purpose of Amendment No. 11 is to change certain policies within the Hamilton Township Official Plan to allow additional water-supply servicing options within the Baltimore Settlement Area.

When And How To Submit A Notice of Appeal: Any notice of appeal of all or part of this decision on Amendment No. 11 to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal must be received by the Clerk for the County of Northumberland no later than 4:30 p.m. on August 12, 2021.

The notice of appeal should be addressed to the Clerk, County of Northumberland, at the address shown below, and must;

  1. set out the specific part or parts of the amendment to which the appeal applies unless the notice applies to the entire amendment;
  2. set out the reasons for the appeal; and
  3. be accompanied by a certified cheque or money order, payable to the Minister of Finance, in the amount of $1,100 for the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal fee.

Mailing Address For Notices of Appeal:

Nancy MacDonald, Clerk
County of Northumberland
555 Courthouse Road, Cobourg, Ontario
K9A 5J6

Who Can Submit A Notice of Appeal: Only individuals, corporations or public bodies defined in the Planning Act may appeal a decision of the approval authority to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf. No person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the plan was adopted, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to Council or, in the opinion of the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.

For Further Information: Information about Amendment No. 11 and the decision is available by contacting the County of Northumberland Land Use Planning Office. Please contact Dwayne Campbell, Manager of Land Use Planning, at (905) 372-3329 extension 2408 if you have any questions. 

Notice of Decision: Extension of Interim Control By-law 2020-41

Take Notice that the Council for the Corporation of the Township of Hamilton passed an amendment to Interim Control By-law 2020-41 on the 20th day July, 2021 under Section 38 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended, through By-law 2021-38.

Interim Control By-law 2020-41 has been extended for a period of one (1) year and will be in effect until 11:59 p.m. July 21, 2022 or repealed by Council at an earlier date. Council has the authority to extend the by-law until July 21, 2022 and no later, being two years from the passage of the original by-law.

Purpose and Effect of By-law 2021-38

The purpose of Interim Control By-law 2021-38 is to extend the period of time to undertake a review of the Township’s land use planning policies and regulations pertaining to cannabis production facilities and cannabis related uses. The review will identify and asses options to regulate the placement of cannabis production facilities and cannabis related uses through zoning considerations as well as to identify and assess site plan control guidelines for such uses.

This by-law applies to all properties within the municipal boundary of the Corporation of the Township of Hamilton.

Appeal Information

The last day for filing a notice of appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal is no later that 4:30 p.m. on August 18, 2021. A Notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law, the reasons in support of the objection and the fee required by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal must be filed with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Hamilton.

Only individuals, corporations and public  bodies may appeal an interim control by-law to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf.

Additional Information

For further information regarding the by-law or proposed amendments to the zoning by-law and site plan control guidelines, contact the Municipal Clerk at 905-342-2810 ext 110.

Notice of Passage

Notice of Passage - Zoning By-law Amendment: Housekeeping - 2022-02-15
Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hamilton, passed Zoning By-law Number 2022-11 on the 15th day of February, 2022, under Section 34 of the Ontario Planning Act, R.S. O. 1990, C.P. 13. .
Purpose & Effect:
The purpose of this by-law is to:
  1. Remove provision 5.25.3, that regulates the size of a detached accessory structure in relation to the principal dwelling in the residential zones;
  2. Remove regulations surrounding buildings/structures that are less than 10 m2;
  3. Remove the regulations surrounding garage/yard sales (Special Occasion Uses);
  4. Permit only a Seasonal Dwelling in the Limited Service Residential Zone;
  5. Permit and regulate sea/shipping containers in residential zones; and
  6. Regulate the location of accessory units in relation to primary dwelling.
The by-law also consolidates the previously adopted by-laws into the parent document. A key map is not being provided as these amendments address the Township-wide governing documents. 
The final date to appeal this by-law will be TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. If you wish to appeal to the Tribunal, a copy of an appeal form is available from the Ontario Land Tribunal website.
  • An appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the Municipality;
  • It must set out the reasons for the appeal, and
  • You must enclose the appeal fee of $1,100.00 for each application appealed, paid by cheque, made payable to the Ontario Minister of Finance.
Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a by-law to the Ontario Land Tribunal. A Notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf.
No person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the by-law was passed, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the Council, or in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.
Basis for Appeal
An appeal of a zoning by-law amendment may only be made on the basis that the by-law is inconsistent with a policy statement, fails to conform with or conflicts with a provincial plan or fails to conform with an applicable official plan. (Ontario Planning Act, R.S.O 1990)
The complete By-law is available for inspection through the Clerk’s or Planning Department at the Municipal Offices, through the e-mail connection below.
DATED at the Township of Hamilton this 15th day of February, 2022
Daphne Livingstone, Municipal Clerk
Tel: 905-342-2810 x 110
Julia Pingle, Planning Coordinator
905-342-2810 x 106
Email the Planning Coordinator
Notice of Passage - Zoning By-law Amendment: Accessory Residential Units - 2022-01-18
The Corporation of the Township of Hamilton

Notice of Passing of a Zoning By-law Amendment

Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hamilton, passed Zoning By-law Number 2022-07 on the 18th day of January, 2022, under Section 34 of the Ontario Planning ct, R.S. O. 1990, C.P. 13.

Purpose & Effect: The Township of Hamilton adopted a by-law in respect of development policies for Accessory Residential Units. Amendments to the parent document (By-law 2001-58) permit and regulate the construction and use of:

  • i) additional residential units within existing dwellings, and
  • ii) additional residential units within accessory buildings, on a residential or agricultural property.

A key map is not being provided as these amendments address the Township-wide governing documents. 

The complete By-law is available for inspection through the Planning Department at the Municipal Offices, through the e-mail connection below.

DATED at the Township of Hamilton this 25th day of January, 2022

Daphne Livingstone, Clerk

905-342-2810 x 110

Email the Clerk

Julia Pingle, Planning Coordinator

905-342-2810 x 106

Email the Planning Coordinator

Planning Application Forms

Minor Variance

Use our Minor Variance Application below if you need to make small changes to zoning requirements. It applies when there is a need for a building to exceed height or size requirements, or to be closer to a property line.

Submit a Minor Variance Application

Consent to Sever

Use our Consent Application below if you need to modify a single lot. A consent application, or severance, may create a new lot, make an addition to an existing lot, or create a right to use part of a lot.

Submit a Consent Application

Zoning By-law Amendment

Use our Zoning By-law Amendment Application below to apply for site-specific changes to your property's zoning.

Submit a Zoning By-law Amendment Application

Official Plan Amendment

Use our Official Plan Amendment Application below to apply for changes to the Official Plan.

Submit an Official Plan Amendment Application

Plan of Subdivision

Use our Subdivision Application below if you would like to apply for the creation of lots on a larger piece of property. Council and citizens can consider the need for your development, the status of water, sanitary systems, roads as well as environmental factors and features.

Submit a Subdivision Application

Northumberland County Council is the Subdivision Approval Authority; they too have an application process. Please contact the County Planning Department for information on the requirements of Subdivision Approval at the County level.

Site Plan Application for Site Plan Approval

Use our application below to apply for Site Plan Approval.

A site plan ensures that development proceeds as approved and to minimize impacts. It is a detailed plan of development that shows the location of buildings, services, driveways, walkways, parking, landscaping and how these relate to surrounding uses.

Contact the Planning Coordinator to book an appointment to discuss the requirements of your site plan.

Submit a Site Plan Application

Fees and Charges Schedule 

Review our related Fees and Charges for Planning and Development services.

Planning and Development Fees

Other Governing Documents

Other Contacts:

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority:

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (Kingston)