2025 Fees and Charges

Description 2025 Fees
Miscellaneous Administration
Map of Northumberland County $5.00 +HST
Large Map of Hamilton Township

$25.00 +HST

Photocopies - Black/White (single page)

$0.50 +HST

Photocopies - Colour (single page)

$0.75 +HST

Commission of Oath - Resident $5.00
Commission of Oath - Non-Resident $15.00
Marriage Performance $350.00 + $100.00 for Council Chambers rental +HST
Marriage License $125.00
Lottery License 3% of prize ($10 minimum)
Freedom of Information Request $5.00 + cost recovery
Records of Information Search $7.50/15 minutes
Integrity Commissioner Investigation $25.00
Fence Viewer Administration Fee $250.00
Archival High Quality Scan (PDF, JPEG) Includes Digital Transfer $5.00/scan
Archival Research (up to 3 hours) $30.00/hour
Community Recognition Awards Sponsorship $250.00
Note: SQ FT prices are additional fees to the base permit pricing. Construction without permit is subject to double the permit fee.

Residential Group 'C'

Description2025 Fees
New Construction up to 2,200 Square Feet $4,236.00 (Base Fee)
New Construction over 2,200 Square Feet Base Fee + $0.81 per Square Foot
Major Alterations or Additions up to 2,200 Square Feet $3,120.00 (Base Fee)
Major Alterations or Additions over 2,200 Square Feet Base Fee + $0.81 per Square Foot
Minor Alteration or Additions and Accessory up to 300 Square Feet $333.00 (Base Fee)
Minor Alteration or Additions and Accessory over 300 Square Feet Base Fee + $0.41 per Square Foot
Additional Residential Units (ARU): Within principal dwelling or within an accessory building $3,607.00
Demolition, Part 9 $192.00
Change of Use $333.00

Non-Residential Group 'A' 'B' 'D' 'E' 'F'

Description2025 Fees
New Construction up to 2,500 Square Feet $4,725.00 (Base Fee)
New Construction over 2,500 Square Feet Base Fee + $0.75 per Square Foot
Major Alteration or Additions up to 2,500 Square Feet $4,105.00 (Base Fee)
Major Alteration or Additions over 2,500 Square Feet Base Fee + $0.75 per Square Foot
Minor Alteration or Additions up to 300 Square Feet $682.00 (Base Fee)
Minor Alteration or Additions over 300 Square Feet Base Fee + $1.55 per Square Foot
Demolition up to 2,500 Square Feet $682.00
Demolition over 2,500 Square Feet $2,344.00
Change of Use $333.00


Description2025 Fees
Large 5,000 square foot Farm Building $3,127.00 (Base Fee)
Large Farm Building greater than 5,000 Square Feet Base Fee + $0.18 per Square Foot
Small Farm Building up to 300 Square Feet $333.00 (Base Fee)
Small Farm Building not greater than 5,000 Square Feet Base Fee + $0.57 per Square Foot
Alternative Solutions (Review Submissions as O.B.C Div C Part 2) $634.00
Other Permits $222.00
Administrative Fee (ie Transfer of Permit, Reinspection, Exemption Requests) $126.00
Trailer Agreement $53.00 per month
Plumbing Permits Refer to Northumberland County
Description of Services2025 FeesHST (Y/N)
Fence Viewing Fee $75.00/day + admin fee N
Other Permits (Ex. Dirt Bike Racing Events) $60.00 N
Police False Alarm Policy By-Law 2007-43 Responses to a false alarm within a 12 month period

Third Response $100.00

Fourth Response $200.00

Pool Enclosure Permit $206.00 
Refreshment Vehicle Application Fee $125.00 Y
Refreshment Vehicle License Fee  Food Preparation Area 100sq. Ft. or less $300.00. Exceeding 100sq. Ft. $300.00 + $3.00 for each additional sq. Ft. in excess of 100 sq. Ft.
Sign Permit

Permanent $50.00

Portable/Mobile $30.00

Sign Variance $100.00 
Site Alteration Permit/Renewal $100.00 + $50.00 per hectare or part thereof
Moving Permit By-law 94-89
Site Plan Control Review - Residential $100.00
Site Plan Control Review - Non-Residential $500.00 
Administrative Fee (i.e. Transfer of Permit, Re-inspection, Exemption, Requests) $126.00 
DescriptionBase CostCare & Maintenance Fund PortionTotal Fee
Interment Rights - Single Lot (3'6" x 10') $1200 $800 $2000+HST
Interment Rights - Single Lot (3'6" x 10) Child $1200 $800 $2000+HST
Interment Rights - Cremation Lot (2'x2') $360 $240 $600+HST
Interment Rights - Cremation Lot (2'x2') Child $360 $240 $600+HST
Interment - Coffin / Vault $1000 - $1000+HST
Interment - Coffin / Vault Double Depth $300 - $300+HST
Interment - Cremation $350 - $350+HST
Interment - Infant (less than 1 year) No Charge No Charge -
Interment - Child (1-12 years of age) $300 - $300+HST
After Hours Interment/Disinterment - Coffin / Vault $300 - $300+HST
After Hours Interment/Disinterment - Cremation $400 - $400+HST
Grave Set-up & Administration $350 - $350+HST
Disinterment - Full Body $1000 - $1000+HST
Disinterment - Cremation $400 - $400+HST
Marking Location for Marker Installation $100 - $100+HST
Monument Installation (Small - less than 3'6") - $200 $200+HST
Monument Installation (Large - greater than 3'6") - $400 $400+HST
Flat Marker $100 $100+HST
Interment Rights Transfer $100 - $100+HST
Description2025 Fees
Tax Certificate $45.00
Non-Payment of Current Taxes 1.25% per month
Non-Sufficient Funds Cheque or Returned Payment Fee $35.00
Unofficial Printout of Property Tax Accounts for Income Tax $5.00
Reprint of Tax Bill $5.00
Tax Paid Letter $5.00
Tax Sale Tender Package $25.00
Description2025 FeesHST (Y/N)
Copy of Emergency Response Report $130.00  
File Search  $130.00 Y
Fire Regulation Compliance Report  $130.00 Y
Inspections of occupancies requiring licensing, renewal of licensing, insurance or any such purpose  $160.00 Y
 Standby Requests - MTO Rates - Per Vehicle for the first hour or part thereof MTO Rate N
Standby Requests - MTO Rates - Per Vehicle for each additional half hour or part thereof  MTO Rate N
Motor Vehicle Collisions - MTO Rates - Per Vehicle for the first hour or part thereof  MTO Rate N
Motor Vehicle Collisions - MTO Rates - Per Vehicle for each additional half hour or part thereof  MTO Rate N
Response to Hazardous Material Incident - Per Vehicle for the first hour or part thereof   MTO Rate N
Response to Hazardous Material Incident - Per Vehicle for each additional half hour or part thereof  MTO Rate N
Additional Expenses - to retain a private contractor, rent special equipment, preserve property or evidence, or in order to eliminate an emergency or risk of an emergency situation  Actual Costs N
Response to an Unapproved open air burning - per vehicle for first hour or part thereof  MTO Rate N
Response to an Unapproved open air burning - per vehicle for each additional one half hour or part thereof  MTO Rate N
Response to malicious, nuisance, or false alarm (as a result of work being performed on a fire alarm system) - per vehicle for the first hour or part thereof (following the second response per calendar year or at the discretion of the Fire Chief for malicious and nuisance responses) MTO Rate N
Response to malicious, nuisance, or false alarm (as a result of work being performed on a fire alarm system) - per vehicle for each additional one half hour or part thereof (following the second response per calendar year or at the discretion of the Fire Chief for malicious and nuisance reports)  MTO Rate N
Fire Watch (per person, per hour) 


MTO Rate per Vehicle

Fire Watch (per person, per vehicle for each additional half hour or part thereof)


MTO Rate per Vehicle

Response to fires on or beside rail lines caused by rail company


MTO Rate per vehicle plus consumable expenditure costs

Burn Permits - Residential - Agricultural (Annual) $39.75 N
Burn Permits - Commercial - Contractor (Annual) $79.75 N
Fireworks Permit - per event $125.00 N
Service fee for non-compliance of open air burn bylaw (does not include annual permit fee) $250.00 N
Fee for non-compliance of smoke or carbon monoxide installation as per the regulations set out in Ontario Fire Code, Ontario Regulation 213/07, Section 2.13 Installation of Smoke Alarms, and Section 2.16 Installation of Carbon Monoxide Alarms $295.00 N
Municipal Animal Services
Description2025 Fees
Neutered or Spayed $20.00
Non-neutered or Non-spayed $35.00
Replacement Dog Tag $5.00
Kennel License $100.00
Order to Restrain Appeal Hearing Fee $100.00
Parks and Recreation

Baltimore Recreation Centre

Description2025 Fees (+ HST)
Hall Rental $400.00
Hall Rental (Hourly) $50.00
Hall Rental – Minor Associations (Monday-Friday/Hourly) $25.00
Hall Rental-Special Occasions Permit (SOP) $560.00
Hall Rental- New Years Eve Premium $150.00
Ice – Prime Time (4:00pm-11:00pm & Weekends) $162.25/hr
Ice – Non-prime Time (8:00am-4:00pm Excluding Weekends) $88.50/hr
Ice – Minor Sports (Prime Time) $125.79/hr
Ice – Birthday Party $139.83
Public Skating – Children 12 years & under $2.65
Public Skating – Adults $3.54
Ice and Indoor Turf Shinny $4.42
Lions Concrete Surface (May-August) – Minor Sports $57.00
Lions Concrete Surface (May-August) – Adults $60.00
Lions Concrete Pad with Liquor Licence $650.00
Sabic Indoor Turf - Minor Sports/ Prime Time $81.10
Sabic Indoor Turf - Non Prime Time $49.50
Sabic Indoor Turf- Adult $89.25
Outdoor Junior Field $25.00
Sabic Indoor Turf-Birthday Party Package $100.00
Ball Diamond – Lights (per game) $44.00
Ball Diamond – No Lights (per game) $37.00
Ball Diamond – Daily Rate per Diamond $145.00
Picnic Shelter $55.00
Entire Facility & Property (per day) $1300.00
Entire Facility – Indoors Only (per day) $1100.00
Advertising – Lions Arena & Sabic Turf Boards & Wall-Annually $225.00
Advertising – Lions Arena Centre Ice-Annually $800.00
Advertising – Ice Resurfacer per side-Annually $250.00

Bewdley Community Centre


2025 Fees (+ HST)

Hall Rental $300.00
Hall Rental (Hourly) $50.00
Hall Rental - Minor Associations (Monday-Friday/Hourly) $25.00
Hall Rental - Special Occasions Permit (SOP) $450.00
Hall Rental - New Years Eve Premium $150.00
Ice - Prime Time (4:00pm-11:00pm & Weekends) $138.11/hr
Ice - Non-prime Time (8:00am-4:00pm Excluding Weekends) $84.10/hr
Ice - Minor Sports (Prime Time) $125.79/hr
Ice - Birthday Party $139.83
Public Skating – Children 12 years & under $2.65
Public Skating – Adults $3.54
Ice – Shinny/Pick up $4.42
Concrete Surface (May-August) – Minor Sports $55.00
Concrete Surface (May-August) – Adults $60.00
Concrete Pad with Liquor Licence $650.00
Ball Diamond – No Lights (per game) $35.00
Ball Diamond – Daily Rate per Diamond $130.00
Entire Facility & Property (per day) $1300.00
Entire Facility – Indoors Only (per day) $1100.00
Advertising – Arena Boards & Walls-Annually $225.00
Advertising – Centre Ice-Annually $800.00
Advertising – Ice Resurfacer per side-Annually $250.00
Fishing Tournaments $450.00

Cold Springs Memorial Hall

DescriptionFees (+ HST)
Hall Rental $140.00
Hall Rental -Special Occasions Permit (SOP) $325.00
Hall Rental – Minor Associations , Churches $100.00

Old Camborne School House

DescriptionFees (+ HST)
Hall Rental-Private Event (Birthday Party, Anniversary) $45.00
Hall Rental-Public Event ( Admission Charged)


Description2025 Fees
Zoning Compliance Letters $100.00
Subdivision - Application Fee  $4,000.00
Subdivision - Deposit  $6,000.00
Minor Variances Application Fee $1,000.00
Consent to Sever Application Fee $1,500.00
Zoning By-law Amendment Application Fee $2,000.00
Zoning By-law Amendment - Remove "H" Holding  $500.00
Zoning By-law Amendments - Expense Agreement and Deposit $3,150.00
Official Plan Amendments - Application Fee $5,000.00
Official Plan Amendments - Expense Deposit $5,000.00
Site Plan Application Fee - Residential  $100/unit
Site Plan Application Fee - Non Residential $1,500.00
Site Plan Deposit - Non Residential/Multi Residential $5,000.00
Site Plan Telecommunication Towers $2,000.00
Public Works
Description                         2025 Fees 
Entrance Permit - Non-refundable Permit Fee                                                                       $60.00
Entrance Permit Application - Non-refundable Inspection Fee $125.00
Entrance Permit Deposit – Entrance ($1,250) / Road ($1,250) $2,500.00
Entrance Installation without a permit $500.00
Road Status Letter $35.00
911 Sign (New or Replacement) $70.00
Charge out rate – Construction Equipment In accordance with current Ontario Provincial Standard Specification 127 “Schedule of Rental Rates for Construction Equipment, including Model and Specification Reference”.
Description2025 Fees 
Creighton Heights, Baltimore & Camborne – Residential Base Rate per month $62.50
Creighton Heights, Baltimore & Camborne – Multi-residential Base Rate per month $70.26
Creighton Heights, Baltimore & Camborne – Commercial Base Rate per month $79.05
Consumption Charge per 1,000 gallons for the first 5,000 gallons used $8.89
Consumption Charge per 1,000 gallons for the next 3,000 gallons used $13.35
Consumption Charge for each additional 1,000 gallons used $20.01

Annual Capital Charge per year
(for all municipal water serviced properties)


Bulk Water Rate

$14.93 per 1,000 gallons

Final Meter Reading Charge

$45.00 for all categories

Open or Close a Water Service Valve


Water Connection Rate

Connection Fees - Residential & Non-Residential (as perBy-law 2024-59)

$11,298.00 (Single and Semi Detached Dwelling)

Water Meter


Turning Water Off/On at Shut Off Valve - Emergency After Hours
